The Master of Science (MSc) degree in Finance and Accounting is designed to assist students enhance their managerial effectiveness within the fields of Finance, Accounting, Investments, Banking and Insurance. The programme is practical and career-oriented, while maintaining high standards of rigour and scholarship. It provides new skills, analytical tools and perspectives, which provide a sound basis for financial management, accounting, investments, banking and insurance. Students are to be drawn from the Eastern and Central African region and beyond
The programme consists of 12 taught course units that constitute Part 1 while a project Part II.
4.2 The minimum duration for the programme shall be 4 semesters, while the maximum duration shall be 10 semesters, and will involve coursework, examinations and the research project.
4.3 A candidate shall be allowed to take a maximum of 6 course units and a minimum of 2 course units per semester.
4.4 Each course unit shall be taught for 45 contact hours.
4.5 There will be 8 core course units which shall be taken by all candidates.
4.6 In addition to the core course units, candidates will be required to take 3 specialization course units in a chosen thematic area, and 1 elective course unit. Specialization course units allow a student to concentrate in their chosen thematic area, while elective course units provide options for additional knowledge in other areas of interest, not necessarily in their chosen thematic area.
4.7 Electives may be chosen from the list of elective course units in any area of study, or from specialization course units from a different thematic area, that would now count as electives.
4.8 Course units can only be taken after the necessary prerequisites have been successfully completed.
4.9 After completing Part I (all the taught course units – 8 core course units, 3 specialization course units, and 1 elective course unit), candidates will carry out research and produce a project (Part II). Part II shall commence in the semester immediately succeeding successful completion of Part I. Once the project is started it must be completed within the semester, or duration of six course units, with the maximum duration equivalent to the minimum load of two course units per
Admission Requirements
The common regulations for the masters’ degree in the University of Nairobi shall be applicable.
The following shall be admissible:
a) A holder of at least an upper second class degree in Finance, Accounting, Banking, Insurance, Economics, Mathematics, Statistics and Engineering.
b)A holder of lower second class degree in Finance, Accounting, Banking, Insurance, Economics, Mathematics, Statistics and Engineering with at least two years of work experience.
Fees and Funding
Master of Science in Finance (MSc. Finance)
TUITION 31,500.00
EXAMINATION (PER UNIT @1000) 1,000.00
CAUTION - (ONCE) 5,000.00
ID CARD ( PER YEAR) 1,000.00
2 units 94,750.00
3 units 127,250.00
4 units 159,750.00
5 units 192,250.00
6 units 224,750.00
Sems 2,3,5,6,8or9
2 units 67,250.00
3 units 99,750.00
4 units 132,250.00
5 units 164,750.00
6 units 197,250.00
Sems 4,7 or 10
1 unit 57,250.00
2 units 89,750.00
3 units 122,250.00
4 units 154,750.00
5 units 187,250.00
6 units 219,750.00
if project registered in sem4-project fee 180,750.00
if project registered in sem5-project fee 158,250.00
Sem1 4.00 159,750.00
Sem2 4.00 132,250.00
Sem3 4.00 132,250.00
Sem4 project 180,750.00
Totals 605,000.00
Exams Regulations
- In each semester, candidates will be required to take a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of six (6) examination papers inclusive of resits.
- All candidates shall be required to take and pass eighteen (18) examination papers before being allowed to proceed to do a Research Project.
- Each course shall be examined through a two-hour written examination paper at the end of each semester.
- The final written examination shall account for fifty percent (50%) of the marks in each course, while continuous assessment shall account for the remaining fifty percent (50%).
- The passmark for each course shall be fifty percent (50%).
- Candidates who fail to satisfy the examiners in any course unit may on the recommendation of the School Board of Examiners and approval by Senate be allowed to take up to two resit examinations.
- A pass obtained in the resit examinations shall be recorded as 50% in the candidate’s academic record.
- A candidate who fails to satisfy the examiners in the second resit examination shall be subject to the following on recommendation of the School Board of Examiners and approval by Senate:-
- Discontinued if the failed course is a core course, or
- Allowed to change to another specialization option if the failed course is a specialization course, or
- Allowed to take another elective if the failed course is an elective course.
Conditions (ii) and (iii) shall only apply provided the stipulated maximum period of 15 semesters is not exceeded; otherwise the candidate shall be discontinued.