Master of Business Administration (MBA)


The Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme of the University of Nairobi seeks to equip participants with skills, techniques and understanding required for successful managerial careers in the public and private sectors of the economy.  The UoN MBA programme strength is founded on its long history since 1972, experienced lecturers with a wide variety of backgrounds, and diversity in the student body in terms of backgrounds and nationalities. Participants are drawn from the Eastern African region and beyond. Our proximity to the vibrant Nairobi metropolis and central location gives us an important competitive edge regionally. The course is distinguished by its rigor and variety, offering one of the highest numbers of specialization options in the region. In its most recent revision, we benchmarked against top universities worldwide in North America, Europe, South Africa and the Far East.

Our programme caters to those with prior business training as well as those whose professional backgrounds are in other disciplines. Worldwide, professionals in areas such as engineering and medicine emphasize technical expertise in their undergraduate studies, but in time upward mobility demands knowledge of general management that includes organization structures, marketing, finance, operations, human resources, information systems and other emerging areas. The University of Nairobi MBA course complements technical knowledge with simulated managerial experiences and knowledge to make them effective managers in a dynamic organizational environment. The programme is therefore also a conversion course that aspires to make managers out of practitioners in different professional areas. Teaching goes beyond theoretical concepts to practical knowledge based on case studies and real life experiences; hence, shared experiences by the diverse student body are an integral part of MBA programme. The MBA may therefore act as a terminal degree for those interested in careers in the corporate world, or as a preparatory course for those aspiring to pursue doctorates for careers in research and teaching in business and management.

The UoN MBA therefore aims at training the critical manpower required towards achieving Kenya’s Vision 2030 and other development objectives, and to making East Africa a vibrant region ready to face a globalizing world characterized by constant change and new demands. The quality of our graduates remains undisputed and will be zealously guarded through strict quality control and benchmarking with the world’s best.

  1. The programme consists of eighteen (18) taught course units that constitute Part I, while a Research Project constitutes Part II, which is equivalent to six (6) taught course units.
  2. The minimum duration for the programme shall be four (4) semesters, while the maximum duration shall be fifteen (15) semesters, and will involve coursework, examinations and the Research Project.
  3. A candidate shall be allowed to take a maximum of six (6) course units and a minimum of two (2) course units in any given semester.
  4. The programme is offered through a face-to-face mode of delivery; each course unit shall be taught for forty five (45) contact hours.
  5. There will be twelve (12) core course units, which shall be taken by all candidates.
  6. In addition to the core course units, candidates will be required to take four (4) specialization course units in a chosen thematic area, and two (2) elective course units.  Specialization course units allow a student to concentrate in their chosen thematic area, while Elective course units provide options for additional knowledge in other areas of interest, not necessarily in their chosen thematic area.
  7. Electives may be chosen from the list of elective course units in any area of study, or from specialization course units from a different thematic area, that would now count as electives.
  8. Course units can only be taken after the prerequisites have been successfully completed.
  9. After completing Part I (all the taught course units – 12 core, 4 specialization elective course units, and 2 elective course units), candidates will carry out research and produce a project paper (Part II). Part II shall commence in the semester immediately succeeding successful completion of Part I. Once the project has started, it must be completed within the semester, or equivalent duration of six course units, with the maximum duration equivalent to the minimum load of two course units per semester. After completing the research project students will be required to make an oral defense of the same.

The common regulations for the masters’ degree in the University of Nairobi shall be applicable.

The following shall be admissible:

  1. A holder of at least an upper second class honors degree or equivalent in non- classified degrees.
  2. A holder of lower second class with at least two years of work experience, or a pass degree with at least five years of work experience, and/or having relevant professional qualifications.

TUITION - 18UNITS                                             21,000.00

MEDICAL FEE (PER YEAR)                                6,500.00

ICT SERVICES - (PER YEAR)                              7,000.00

LIBRARY (PER YEAR)                                          5,000.00

CAUTION - (ONCE)                                               5,000.00

ACTIVITY-( PER YEAR)                                        2,000.00

REGISTRATION (PER SEMESTER@2250)          2,250.00

EXAMINATION (PER UNIT @1000)                       1,000.00

ID CARD ( PER YEAR)                                           1,000.00

STUDENT ORGANISATION(PER YEAR)              1,000.00

THESIS EXAMINATION                                          30,000.00

 Semester totals 


2 units                                     73,750.00

 3 units                                     95,750.00

 4 units                                   117,750.00

 5 units                                   139,750.00

 6 units                                   161,750.00

 Semester totals 

Sems 2,3,5,6,8or9 

2 units                                     46,250.00

 3 units                                     68,250.00

 4 units                                     90,250.00

 5 units                                   112,250.00

 6 units                                   134,250.00

 Semester totals 

Sems 4,7 or 10 

1 unit                                     46,750.00

 2 units                                     68,750.00

 3 units                                     90,750.00

 4 units                                   112,750.00

 5 units                                   134,750.00

 6 units                                   156,750.00

 if project registered in sem4-project fee                                   142,750.00

 if project registered in sem5-project fee                                   120,250.00

Sem1                                                       3.00                                    95,750.00

Sem2                                                       3.00                                    68,250.00

Sem3                                                       3.00                                    68,250.00

Sem4                                                       3.00                                    90,750.00

Sem5                                                       3.00                                    68,250.00

Sem6                                                       3.00                                    68,250.00

Sem7 project                                   142,750.00

Totals                  602,250.00




Bank Account to Deposit:

ABSA Bank of Kenya

Branch-ABSA Towers

A/C Name: UON Module II  Fee Collection Account

A/C. No.:    2032771362

MBA Part I: Taught Courses Regulations

  1. In each semester, candidates will be required to take a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of six (6) examination papers inclusive of resits.
  2. All candidates shall be required to take and pass eighteen (18) examination papers before being allowed to proceed to do a Research Project.
  3. Each course shall be examined through a two-hour written examination paper at the end of each semester.
  4. The final written examination shall account for fifty percent (50%) of the marks in each course, while continuous assessment shall account for the remaining fifty percent (50%).
  5. The passmark for each course shall be fifty percent (50%).
  6. Candidates who fail to satisfy the examiners in any course unit may on the recommendation of the School Board of Examiners and approval by Senate be allowed to take up to two resit examinations.
  7. A pass obtained in the resit examinations shall be recorded as 50% in the candidate’s academic record.
  8. A candidate who fails to satisfy the examiners in the second resit examination shall be subject to the following on recommendation of the School Board of Examiners and approval by Senate:-
  1. Discontinued if the failed course is a core course, or
  2. Allowed to change to another specialization option if the failed course is a specialization course, or
  3. Allowed to take another elective if the failed course is an elective course.

Conditions (ii) and (iii) shall only apply provided the stipulated maximum period of 15 semesters is not exceeded; otherwise the candidate shall be discontinued.

MBA Part II: Research Project Regulations

  1. Candidates shall be required to submit supervised research project for examination at least three weeks before end of semester in which it is to be examined.  Examination for the project includes an oral examination at the proposal and at the final submission stages.
  2. For purposes of examination regulations, the Research Project shall be considered to be equivalent to one semester.
  3. The pass mark for the Research Project shall be fifty percent (50%)
  4. A candidate who fails in the research project may on the recommendation of the Faculty Board or Examiners and approval by Senate, be allowed to re-submit the project for examination up to two times, within the stipulated period of 15 semesters.
  5. A pass obtained in the re-submission of a research project shall be recorded as 50% in the candidate’s academic record.
  6. Candidates who fail to satisfy the examiners in the second re-submission of the research project or fails to complete their study within the stipulated period of 15 semesters shall on recommendation of the Faculty Board of Examiners, and approval by Senate, be discontinued. A candidate shall not be allowed to work on a research project for more than two semesters. All re-submissions must be done within the two semester

Requirements for supervisor allocation