Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration (PhD)


Doctoral studies provide an opportunity for candidates with an outstanding academic background to engage in an advanced study in a specialized field of research. Candidates are expected to have intellectual
curiosity, self-discipline and a high level of motivation to carry out research.

The programme provides for a wide variety of specializations in management. To prepare Doctor of  Philosophy (Ph.D.) candidates for advanced research, teaching and writing skills in their chosen area of
specialization, candidates shall be required to take supporting coursework comprising six course units and lasting at least two semesters.

The Ph.D. programme seeks to orient candidates to the informed and critical application of knowledge to problems and issues concerning management disciplines and professions. The doctoral programme is
intended to enhance individuals' capacity and skills for positions involving teaching, and research, in local and international institutions.

The objectives of the programme are:
a) to enhance skills in the various areas of specialization;
b) to provide an opportunity to the candidate to carry out and present
scholarly work; and
c) to carry out research in the chosen area of study and submit a Ph.D.

The doctoral programme shall last for a minimum period of seven (7) semesters and a maximum of fifteen (15) semesters.

The following shall be eligible for admission:

A holder of a Master of Business Administration(MBA) from the UoN or any other recognized university

A holder of Masters degree from the UoN in areas of specialization relevant to the disciplines in faculty of commerce or any other institution recognized by senate.

a) A holder of a Master of Business Administration (MBA) Degree from the University of Nairobi or any other institution recognized by the senate.
b) A holder of a Masters degree from the University of Nairobi in areas of specialization relevant to the disciplines in the School of Business or any other institutions recognized by Senate.

Registration as a Doctoral student

a)For the purposes of eligibility for registration in the programme, an applicant who qualifies for admission into the course work phase shall be deemed to have satisfied the requirement spelt out in paragraph 4 of the common regulations for the degree of doctor of philosophy.

(b) A successful applicant shall register as a doctoral studentand take the required coursework. This student registration shall be for a minimum of three semesters and a maximum of seven semesters. The student shall be required to complete the coursework phase and develop an acceptable Research Proposal before being  enrolled as a doctoral candidate.

Enrolment as a Doctoral Candidate

A student shall enroll as a doctoral candidate after fulfilling the
following requirements in his/her respective departments of
(a) successful completion of all the common and specialization
(b) presentation of an acceptable Thesis Research Proposal.

Thesis Research
A candidate shall carry out supervised Thesis Research in his/her chosen area of study, for a minimum period of four semesters,culminating in a Doctoral Thesis.

Extension of Registration
An extension of the registration period may be granted by Senate
subject to satisfactory reasons being presented by the candidate.

Course outline

Candidates will be required to take three (3) core and three (3) specialization
courses as indicated below.

Thematic Areas of Specialization

• Banking
• Finance
• Global Management
• Human Resources Management
• Strategic Information Systems

• Marketing
• Operations Management
• Organizational Theory and Behaviour
• Strategic Management
• Entrepreneurship and Small business Development

TUITION                                                                      72,000.00

EXAMINATION (PER UNIT @1000)                          1,000.00

LIBRARY (PER YEAR)                                               5,000.00

MEDICAL FEE (PER YEAR)                                      6,500.00

ICT SERVICES - (PER YEAR)                                   7,000.00

REGISTRATION (PER SEMESTER@2250)              2,250.00

CAUTION - (ONCE)                                                   5,000.00

ID CARD ( PER YEAR)                                             1,000.00

ACTIVITY-( PER YEAR)                                            2,000.00

THESIS EXAMINATION                                            50,000.00

Tuition/Supervision fees after course work p.a.    288,000.00

total units=6


1 unit                                      101,750.00

 2 units                                   174,750.00

 3 units                                   247,750.00

 Semester totals 


1  unit                                      75,250.00

 2 units                                   148,250.00

 3 units                                   221,250.00

 Semester totals 


1 unit                                      96,750.00

 2 units                                   169,750.00

 3 units                                   242,750.00




Bank Account to Deposit:

ABSA Bank of Kenya

Branch-ABSA Towers

A/C Name: UON Module II  Fee Collection Account

A/C. No.:    2032771362

Examinations Regulations

Written Examinations

All candidates shall be required to take examinations in the three
common courses and three specialization courses and pass all the
six papers before they are allowed to proceed to the second part of
the programme.

 Continuous assessment shall consist of class presentations, seminar
papers, assignments and tests.

 Each taught course except independent study paper shall be examined through a 3X hour written examination paper at the end of the semester in which it is taken. Independent study paper shall be marked out of 100%. There shall be no coursework component.

The pass mark for each course shall be fifty percent (50%)

The final examination shall account for fifty percent (50%) of the marks in each course, while continuous assessment shall account for the remaining fifty percent (50%).

 A candidate who fails in any course shall be allowed upto a maximum of two resits taken at the next semester examinations.

 A candidate who fails to satisfy the examiners in the second resit in any courses shall, on the recommendation of the Faculty Board of Examiners and approval by Senate, be discontinued.

Rules Governing the Research Programme

A candidate shall be allowed to present for approval, a research proposal in a Faculty seminar only after successfully completing all the six courses in the programme.

A candidate shall be required to present a seminar(s) of their research work.

 A candidate shall write and submit for examination a thesis compiled from the research work carried out under supervision as prescribed in the common regulations for the degree of the Doctor
of Philosophy in all Faculties.