Bachelor of Commerce


The programme is both academic and practical in its orientation. The teaching method methods applied include lecturers, tutorials, assignments, class discussions, case analysis, and research. Students are evaluated on the basis of class attendance and participation, performance in assignments, tests, and in final examinations done at the end of each semester. Links with the business community, industry, and other business schools provide an important component.

Programme Duration, Structure and Mode of Study

The BCom Programme is offered in three modes, that is Module I or Regular which is for Government     sponsored students, Module II (day and evening) and Module III (Distance Learning) which are for self-sponsored students.

Module I      

Module I will run for eight semesters of 15 weeks each.

b)    Each course unit in the programme has a loading of a minimum of 45 hours.


Module II

a) Module II will run for a minimum of eight semesters of 15 weeks each and a maximum of 24 semesters

    from the date of registration.

b) The minimum semester load shall be 2 course units and maximum shall be 6 course units.

c)  Each course unit in the programme has a loading of a minimum of 45 hours.


Module III (Distance Learning)

This Module is offered off-campus using multimedia approach in distance education.

  1. The main media of instruction will be print and electronic study materials.
  2. The study materials shall be self-instructional.
  3. There will be use of limited face-to-face contact during the residential sessions.
  4. Face-to-face delivery mode shall not exceed one third of the instructional time.
  5. Counselling and guidance shall be provided using multi-media approach.
  6. The module will run for a minimum of eight semesters of 24 weeks each and a maximum of 24 semesters from the date of registration.
  7. The minimum semester load shall be two course units and the maximum shall be six course units.
  8. Each course unit in the programme has a loading of a minimum of 70 hours

Structure of the programme

  1. The programme is organized into two parts, Part I consisting of Year/Level I and Year/Level II; and Part II consisting of Year/Level III and Year/Level IV.
  2. To qualify for the award of Bachelor of Commerce degree, a candidate must successfully complete a minimum of 46 course units.
  3. The course units are divided into common, core, specialization, and elective course units that are organized as follows:

Admission will be on the basis of academic qualifications and more specifically will be governed by any one of the following Senate approved regulations:

The following are eligible for admission into the programme:

a)   Holder of KCSE certificate with a minimum aggregate of  C+ and a minimum of  C in both Mathematics and English/Kiswahili.

b)     Holder of KACE certificate with a minimum of two principal passes and  a minimum of a credit  (6)  pass in Mathematics at KCE.

c)      Holder of a degree from a recognized university.

d)     Holder of a diploma from a recognized institution.

e)Holder of  CPA/CPS  Part II or equivalent professional qualification.

f)        Holder of pre-university qualification with minimum average score of C or equivalent from a recognized university.

g)     Holder of qualifications deemed to be equivalent to any of the above.

  • Accountant
  • Auditor
  • Consultant
  • Company Secretary
  • Business Analyst
  • Finance Officer
  • Sales Analyst
  • Junior Analyst
  • Tax Accountant
  • Stock Broker
  • Economist
  • Business Development Trainee


TUITION                                                       18,000.00

MEDICAL FEE (PER YEAR)                        6,500.00

ICT SERVICES - (PER YEAR)                      7,000.00

CAUTION - (ONCE)                                        5,000.00

ACTIVITY-( PER YEAR)                                 2,000.00



EXAMINATION (PER UNIT @1000)               1,000.00

ID CARD ( PER YEAR)                                   1,000.00

LIBRARY (PER YEAR)                                     4,000.00

 Semester totals 


2 units                                     66,750.00

 3 units                                     85,750.00

 4 units                                   104,750.00

 5 units                                   123,750.00

 6 units                                   142,750.00

 Semester totals 


2 units                                     40,250.00

 3 units                                     59,250.00

 4 units                                     78,250.00

 5 units                                     97,250.00

 6 units                                   116,250.00

 Semester totals 


2 units                                     61,750.00

 3 units                                     80,750.00

 4 units                                     99,750.00

 5 units                                   118,750.00

 6 units                                   137,750.00


SEMESTER 1 6 UNITS                                   142,750.00

SEMESTER 2 6 UNITS                                   116,250.00

SEMESTER 3 6 UNITS                                   116,250.00

SEMESTER 4 6 UNITS                                   137,750.00

SEMESTER 5 6 UNITS                                   116,250.00

SEMESTER 6 6 UNITS                                   116,250.00

SEMESTER 7 6 UNITS                                   137,750.00

SEMESTER 8 3 UNITS&MRP                         78,250.00

Grand totals                  961,500.00



Bank Account to Deposit:

ABSABank of Kenya

Branch-ABSA Towers

A/C Name: UON Module II  Fee Collection Account

A/C. No.:    2032771362





Each registered course unit shall be evaluated through course work and a two-hour final examination.

To be eligible for the award of the Bachelor of Commerce degree, a candidate will have passed in the minimum number of course units prescribed for each level of study.

All examinations shall be governed by the following rules:

Each course unit shall be graded out of one hundred (100) marks;  Final examination shall constitute seventy percent (70%) and coursework the remaining thirty-percent (30%) of the marks in each course unit offered and taken in any semester except for the MRP;

MRP shall be done in only one area of specialization and is graded out of one hundred percent (100%);